Nataliia Sanzo, RD, LDN, CHWC
If you have a question you’d like answered, leave us a voice message and it may appear in one of the episodes.
Nataliia Sanzo is a registered dietitian, aka Nashville Thyroid Expert, specializing in Hashimoto’s/hypothyroidism. She created this space to help you navigate the ever-confusing world of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and empower you with the knowledge to become your own advocate. Please don’t forget to subscribe and follow this podcast on the platform you’re tuning in from. Your support is greatly appreciated and important to this show finding its way to the ears of listeners just like yourself.
Our episodes will feature:
- Industry leaders; functional medicine physicians, integrative medicine, and dermatology
- Experts in nutrition, gut health, and hormonal health.
- Actual clients share their stories and practices that work.